Mama your like food to my soul

About Orient Zing

Orient Zing represents the recipes that have been taught to us by many generations. Passed down to us by ancestors, great grandmothers and our very own mothers.

We dedicate this blog to our mother's who have taught us how to be strong in a world where they survived.

Mama we love you. Mama you taught us. Mama you scolded us. Mama you cried for us. Mama you hug us. Mama you tucked us in at night. Mama you laughed with us. Mama you share your sorrow. Mama you cried with us. Mama you love us.

Mama you cook for us.

Love D.S + T.L

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beef marinate….with a hint of coffee

From memory this is my father’s favourite beef marinate recipe and to be honest it is very popular with my guest when served with aromatic jasmine rice and my father’s soya bean sauce with lime juice, chillies and coriander.

Beef (any cut with a little fat)
Oyster sauce (2-3 tbsp)
Salt (½ a teaspoon)
Sugar (¾ of a teaspoon)
Black pepper (½ teaspoon)
Chillies (1 finely chopped)
Asian Herb x 3 leaf
Coffee (1 teaspoon)

Fermented soya beans (can be bought at any Asian stores)
Lime (1 lime)
Sugar (add to take)
Asian Herb x 1 leaf

1. Wash beef in cold water and pat dry
2. Cut the beef into BBQ-able size and place in a large bowl
3. Add 2 -3 tablespoon of oyster sauce depending on amount of beef, ½ tsp of salt and ¾ tsp of sugar, ½ tsp of black pepper, 1 finely chopped chilli, 1 tsp of coffee and the finely chopped Asian herb ( 3 leaf ). Massage this into the beef and leave for 1 hr or overnight
4. Grill the beef and cook depending on how you like your beef

1. Add 3 tbsp into a blender then add 1 tbsp of sugar and chillies
2. Add ½ a lime to taste; ensure the salty sweet and sour is balanced
3. Take out the mixture and finely chop the Asian Herb and add it to the sauce
4. Finally chop some coriander and add it to the sauce. Stir through the herb into the sauce.

Serve sauce on the side of the beef and some rice

Thai Style Duck Salad


Half BBQ duck, cut and remove all bones to ensure duck is in pieces
Half bag of Salad mix
1 carrot shredded
1 cucumber, sliced
1 red onion, sliced
Handful of fresh herbs (include mint, coriander, spring onion)
4 Tablespoon Roasted peanuts, chopped (extra if needed)

Sauce dressing

1 lime
3 red chillies
2 cloves of garlic
2 Tablespoon fish sauce
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
1 Teaspoon salt
5 Tablespoon boiled water.


1. Combine salad mix into serving dish, arrange duck with carrot, cucumber, onion.
2. Blend garlic and chilli, add boiling water, sugar, salt, fish sauce and lime juice and mix
3. Pour dressing into salad mixture dish and sprinke roasted peanuts and herb mixture.