Mama your like food to my soul

About Orient Zing

Orient Zing represents the recipes that have been taught to us by many generations. Passed down to us by ancestors, great grandmothers and our very own mothers.

We dedicate this blog to our mother's who have taught us how to be strong in a world where they survived.

Mama we love you. Mama you taught us. Mama you scolded us. Mama you cried for us. Mama you hug us. Mama you tucked us in at night. Mama you laughed with us. Mama you share your sorrow. Mama you cried with us. Mama you love us.

Mama you cook for us.

Love D.S + T.L

Monday, August 16, 2010

Coriander and Chilli King Prawns

My mother was so impressed with my future brother in law's recipe that she asked for half of mine. Need i say more. This recipe is simple and suited for a summers bbq.

200g of Devined King Prawns
4 cloves of minced garlic
6 springs of fresh chopped coriander
1tbsp of fish sauce
1 chopped fresh chilli or to taste
Soaked Bamboo sticks

1. Place prawns in a mixing bowl and mix with fresh ingredients
2. One by one place the prawn onto the bamboo skewers
3. Turn the grill on and place the prawns into the grill for about 10 mins or when it cooks.
4. Place cooked prawns onto a plate and garnish with frsih coriander. You can serve with sweet chilli sauce for extra flavour.